Ganesha Chaturthi: It’s famous Hindus religious festival and it’s celebrate in all over the India. There are lots of stories behind the origin one of them mention below -
Once Lord Shiva left his usual dwelling on Mt.Kailas in the Himalayas, to meditate in one of the caves in the same mountain. Two friends of Parvati, his consort, suggested that she should have a 'gana' - attendant of their own, since they were not too happy with Shivaji's 'ganas'. Parvati agreed. Soon after, using her divine powers, she created a son, naming him Vinayak. She instructed him to guard their home.

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Send this eCard !When Shivaji returned Vinayak prevented him from entering. After some bickering, Shivaji beheaded Vinayak with his 'trishul' (trident). When Parvati heard of this she lamented intensely. Shivaji realised his error. To set things right he sent his men to the forest to fetch the head of the first living thing they met. They encountered a baby elephant and returned with its head. With his divine power, Shivaji placed the head over his son's body. Instantly Vinayak sprung to life.
Henceforth Vinayak also earned the name of Gajaanan. 'Gaja' means elephant. Shivaji blessed him with a boon that people would first worship and offer him dedication in all their auspicious activities. Those who didn't would not attain success.
Bhadarva Sud 4th is the day Parvati was offering the final pujan to the dead Ganeshji, when he resurrected. This day you can wish your friend’s, family and loved ones from these beautiful greeting cards. Lots of
free email greeting cards available on Ganesha Chaturthi, select your best quotation written on greeting cards and mail to any one who is close to you.